Monte Vista Houses
Six Houses... One Monte Vista Family
Our Monte Vista community includes a system of "houses” with the goal of providing students with a smaller community within the school to create a sense of belonging, camaraderie, and identity. Based upon the work of the Ron Clark Academy, each house reflects an aspect of our unique Blue Devil spirit:
- Infinitum: The Explorers
- Nabadda: The Diplomats
- Vivaracho: The Enthusiasts
- Hiahia: The Dreamers
- Factorem: The Creators
- Tembo Kali: The Persisters
As our houses evolve, we look forward to friendly competitions, celebrations, and opportunities to learn from each other. Bi-monthly House Meetings focus on conversations around leadership traits such as integrity, responsibility, honesty, and kindness; promoting personal growth and developing a positive, vibrant, and supportive Monte Vista community!
How is my child placed into a house?
We have a brief sorting ceremony where new community members are placed into a house by chance - dropping a ball on a giant plink-o board or picking a bracelet out of a hat. Once they are placed in a house, the fun begins! That house will be your child’s house as long as they are attending Monte Vista.
Does that mean that if we have multiple children, they may be in different houses?
Yes! Because the sorting is completely random, you may have multiple houses represented in your family!
What is the difference between a "House Assembly" and a "House Meeting"?
House Assemblies are whole school assemblies that have two areas of focus: student recognition and house competition. Recognition assemblies present Students of the Month, MVPs (Most Valuable Performers), Honor Roll, and Principal's List. Competition assemblies involve healthy competition with games and activities to promote house pride and school spirit.
House Meetings are held monthly on a Wednesday morning following breakfast. During these meetings, each house meets in a specific location around the school and focuses their activities on building a community, learning about each other, and learning about different character traits. For example, one month may focus on kindness, another month on honesty, and another month on respect. Each house has its own way of developing each conversation and those conversations happen between students from all of our grades, which gives each group an opportunity to get to know each other from Kindergarten through eighth grade.
What are the guidelines for showing our house colors?
Monte Vista is a uniform school, but we have days where we want to promote our house pride! On school-wide assembly days we encourage students to dress in their house t-shirts and house colors to show their house spirit! House meeting days occur once a month on a Wednesday morning - House t-shirts with uniform bottoms are allowed.
How are house t-shirts distributed?
Once an individual is sorted, they will receive a house t-shirt free of charge, either at the time of sorting or from their homeroom teacher. We are working on a low-cost option to purchase additional shirts in the future.
What are "House Points"?
At the end of each quarter, the House with the most points receives a special treat leading up to the end of year House Cup, when the House with the most points wins overall! Points are granted to houses based upon individual and group efforts. For instance, a student that is "caught" doing something positive may be issued a GOTCHA! ticket. GOTCHA tickets provide House points as well as enter students into a drawing for a "free dress" day. Points may also be awarded for placing in competitions, student recognition (MVP, Student of the Month), Passport balances from Middle School, and Mystery Attendance! We are always looking for additional ways to award points. (Attention Parents! Students earn points for their house when parents attend APTT meetings, Parent Nights, and Parent Conferences!)